Natalia was diagnosed with Dry Eye in October 2010. Her symptoms quickly became worse, and by August 2011 she was no longer able to keep her eyes opened because of extreme pain, despite seeing many specialists at some of the leading eye clinics in the United States.
Then, on what she refers to as “what would have been the last day of my life,” Natalia finally found a specialist, Dr. Steven Maskin, who would diagnose and treat meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), conjunctivolchalasis, aqueous deficiency, demodicocis and more. On that day she finally began her journey to wellness. Along the way, she vowed that one day she would find a way to help others.
Natalia’s career spans a wide range of industries including construction, hospitality, technology, and health care. She was Vice President of Global Product management at a technology company based in Florida and served as President of a software company providing internal control solutions to Japanese public companies. She is the co-author of Can Inbound and Domestic Medical Tourism Improve Your Bottom Line? Identifying the Potential of a U.S. Tourism Market, published in the Journal of Healthcare Management in 2014.
Natalia holds a BA in English from SUNY Buffalo, an MBA from Rollins College, and an MS in Health Administration from the University of Central Florida. She resides in Orlando, FL with her husband.