March 11, 2015
New York – Not A Dry Eye Foundation’s application for 501c3 non-profit status was approved by the IRS and the public charity is now qualified to accept tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers, and gifts.
“We have a lot of work ahead of us, and having non-profit status is a necessary first step,” said co-founder, chair and executive director Natalia Warren. “We plan to improve the care that patients with Dry Eye receive and that begins with raising awareness of the disease, its co-morbidities, and the impact it can have on quality of life,” she added.
Between 5 and 35 percent of the population worldwide suffers from dry eye and severe cases can lead to disability, blindness, and even thoughts of suicide. Patients with severe cases typically see many doctors before they find the care they need.
“The cost of raising awareness at a global level may seem daunting, but it’s something we are absolutely committed to doing,” continued co-founding board member and Treasurer Diana Adelman. “Our fundraising efforts will also be undertaken at a global level,” she added.
Doctors typically prescribe lubricating eye drops, warm compresses, lid wipes, or Restasis — all of which may help in mild or moderate cases of the disease. But, with serious cases, there can also be serious co-morbidities such as conjunctivochalasis. This wrinkling of the tissue that covers the white of the eye is frequently missed or misdiagnosed as ocular neuropathy or even psychosomatic disorder.
“We’ve experienced the pain of the disease and the frustration of seeking care ourselves,” explained co-founder and secretary Kristen Reed. “We want to do our part so that others don’t have to suffer like we did,” she concluded.
Not A Dry Eye Foundation is a 501c3 tax exempt organization founded by Dry Eye patients committed to promoting awareness of Dry Eye Syndrome.