Antibiotic Drops and Ointments

Antibiotic drops and ointments are typically used to treat bacterial infections.

Follow instructions provided by your doctor for using ophthalmic antibiotics.

Sometimes antibiotics will be placed in the eye, and sometimes they are applied them to the lashes or lid margins.

Always avoid touching the tip of the dispenser to prevent contamination.

Some antibiotics require refrigeration.

Some antibiotics contain preservatives and others do not. Tell your doctor if you know you have an allergy to preservatives used in eye drops and ointments.

Some drops or ointments contain ingredients that can cause irritation or to which you may have an allergic reaction. Tell your doctor if you know which ingredients cause irritation or to which you have an allergic reaction.

A clean finger or sterile cotton swab can be used to apply drops or ointments to the lashes, lid margins, or around the eye. Sterile cotton swabs can be purchased in drug stores and online.

Prescriptions for most antibiotics are readily available at most drug stores or may be ordered for you from a compounding pharmacy such as O’Brien Pharmacy in Kansas.

O’Brien Pharmacy
5453 W 61st Place
Mission, Kansas 66205
(NE corner Shawnee Mission Parkway and Nall)
Tel: 1-913-322-0001
Fax: 1-913-322-0002 (facsimile)
Toll-free Tel: 1-800-627-4360