Some doctors suggest blinking exercises to promote the secretion of meibum or aqueous tears. Some exercises are designed to improve blinking itself. (It’s always important to talk to your doctor before trying any new treatment.)
Scroll down for blink exercises or an app that will remind you to blink.
Before Reading
To secrete and spread meibum and aqueous tears before reading or using a computer, follow these steps:
Step 1. Blink quickly 30 times
Step 2. Rest for one minute
Step 3. Repeat
A Better Blink
To produce a generally better blink, follow these steps proposed by Dr. Andrew Gasson:
Step 1. Relax
Step 2. Close eyes
Step 3. Pause for three seconds
Step 4. Open just slightly wider than normal
Step 5. Pause in the wide open position pause for a moment
Step 6. Close
Repeat 10 times, 15 times per day.
Here’s another exercise suggested by doctors.
First, make sure you’re blinking correctly by placing a finger at the corners of each eye. Then
Close – Pause – Pause – Open – Relax
You shouldn’t feel any movement under your fingers.
Next, perform the exercise:
Close – Pause – Pause – Squeeze – Open – Relax
You should only feel movement under your fingers during the squeeze. Squeeze the lids gently. Don’t squint.
Do the exercise frequently. Some suggest at least once every waking hour for two weeks. Some suggest even more frequently e.g.: once every 20 minutes.
Blink Reminder App from Blinking Matters
You can download Eyeblink, a free blink reminder app from Blinking Matters, a website dedicated to improving how we blink, here.
Other Blink Reminders
A Japanese eye glass company manufacturers glasses that fog every few seconds. The fog clears when you blink.