For many Dry Eye patients managing the disease is the journey of a lifetime. Those of us who embarked on the journey to healing, know that lots of people helped us reach our destination. Family members, friends, neighbors, doctors, their staffs, pharmacists, nurses, shuttle drivers, even the mail carrier bringing a fresh supply of some critical medication, and many, many others, were all there for us when we needed them most.
Many people helped us in whatever way they could. Some opened their wallets, others their homes. Some people cooked for us and others cleaned. Some became our drivers and others traveled with us hundreds and even thousands of miles, staying with us in far-away cities. When the pain in our eyes was unbearable, there were those who Googled anything and everything related to the disease, searching for hope on our behalf. Some prayed with us and for us. Help came in many forms and on many days, many, many days.
And then there were our doctors who diagnosed and treated us. Some responded to our desperate texts, calls, and emails – at all hours of the night. Some held our hands or stroked our foreheads before surgery to reassure us. Their staffs took our calls and listened to us patiently.
Yes, it was their job, but it wasn’t always an easy job because the pain of Dry Eye could make us irrational, unreasonable, and inconsolable, crippling even the most stoic among us. Still, they helped us.
Our gratitude to each of these individuals knows no bounds. No matter what we do, no matter how hard we try, we will always be indebted to our legions of supporters.
On this day of giving thanks, we extend to each of them our deepest and most heartfelt gratitude. Thank you!
And now we’re asking for your support.
Supporting Dry Eye Patients on Their Journey to Healing
On average, about 250 – 300 people from around the world visit this website each day. Most are people just like us, looking for information about Dry Eye, wondering about their symptoms, wondering what might be the causes, and if there are any viable treatments.
We’d like to be able to continue this service and we’ll be able to with your generous support.
We don’t raise money through advertising of any kind because we believe it’s important to provide impartial information to patients.
Please consider donating just $3 to Not A Dry Eye Foundation this Thanksgiving via Paypal.
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Some of you have already made generous donations, and we’d like to thank you for your support. We receive messages all the time about how the information on this website is helping someone understand their condition. Your generous donation has made that possible.
Thank you!
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